RSA Courses

RSA Course

The RSA course is also known as the responsible service of alcohol course and is a 1 day course that must be completed in order to work in any position that involves the sale or serving of alcohol.
Over 70% of working holiday makers will spend part of their year working in an environment serving alcohol (whether as a waiter or a barman). Without having this course completed you will not be able to take up any of these positions.

This demonstrates how important it is to have this course completed before leaving for Australia.

Visa First conduct this one day course every week from our office in Sydney and in Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane.
To book your RSA (responsible serving of alcohol) course now simply complete the form below and one of our team will book it over the phone for you.

Once booked you will have a booking number which you can quote once you are in Australia to organise the date you would like to do it. If you already know your arrival date you would be advised to book your date when you book your course as the sooner you complete it, the sooner you can begin working.
RSA Certificate - €130/£110/CA$170: Responsible Service of Alcohol: 1 Day Course
Please provide a parent phone number in the event of any emergencies.
I accept
820 72-=0 +8-- 212=8 82 -+ 8=2*